The Weekly Pop Up Podcast
A weekly podcast dedicated to all things Pop Culture. Just 3 regular guys talking about movies, TV, video games, music and more. Sean, Sky and Janson do television re-watches, discuss popular movies, debate award shows and have many special segments in the works including interviews and special guests! Feel free to follow and tweet at us @weeklypopup or shoot us an email so we can hear what you have to say at! Thanks for joining us!
The Weekly Pop Up Podcast
43. Halloween May Be Over, But The Horror Discussion Isn't
Sean Higgins, Janson Silvers and Sky Tilley
Sky goes it alone this week--well, not quite, as he's joined by Paul and Lauren of The Film Buds Podcast. They talked about the month of October and how Paul and Lauren went on a slasher extravaganza by watching 42 slashers during those 31 days. We talk about key horror franchises like HALLOWEEN, NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, FRIDAY THE 13TH, and TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, and where the slasher genre may go in the future.